Company Profile

NSTS Bancorp, Inc. (the “Company”) is a Delaware corporation and the holding company for North Shore Trust and Savings, a federally- chartered stock savings bank. North Shore Trust and Savings was established in 1921 as North Shore Building and Loan, an Illinois-chartered institution. Since its inception, our organization has operated as a traditional savings institution focused primarily on serving the banking needs of customers in our market area of Lake County, Illinois and adjacent communities. We operate from our headquarters and main banking office in Waukegan, Illinois, as well as two additional full-service branch offices located in Waukegan and Lindenhurst, Illinois, respectively. We have a loan production office in Chicago, Illinois. Our primary business activity is attracting deposits from the general public and using those funds to originate one- to four-family residential mortgage loans and purchase investments. We are subject to comprehensive regulation and examination by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the “OCC”).

Industry Classifications

Finance and Insurance

Federal Savings Institution

Savings Institutions (522120)

Federal Savings and Loan Associations (6035)

Contact Information

Investor Relations
T: 847-336-4430

Company Contact
NSTS Bancorp, Inc.
700 South Lewis Avenue
Waukegan, IL 60085